From Monaco has only been six days but already seems like a lifetime .
The journey of 3000 km from Port de Pollença already gave me so much. I have seen new products and interesting ISPO, the largest fair in the world of Outdoor, and, some of these products we will test them on the field.
Among our partners there are some companies that have invested in an ethic of sustainability. And they do it really. Recycled fabrics from fishing nets , power stations that will allow me to be independent, natural fabrics, such as curtains Lavvu that I will use .
After Monaco I got a passage from my friend Sandro but...southbound and while I was there I took the opportunity to say goodbye to my parents in Venice.
Then again to the north and the journey to Oslo led me to Malmö, the most sustainable city in Europe and Borås where I was invited by Emiliano Pinori, PhD Scientist at SP Science and Tech. Institute of Sweden. I visited their laboratories where they test products that will reduce much our impact on this planet. Unfortunately I could not shoot because it was forbidden. From algae they are obtaining polymers to replace plastics derived from petroleum. Plastics which can then be disposed as an organic product and with the same characteristics of the traditional.
Emiliano has developed an antifouling which reduces the impact on the environment while maintaining the same features, or improving them. The project is called LEAF (low emission antifouling). Thanks to Yukka, Emma, and all researchers who work at SP Boras.
Although the press conference was organized by them. The warmth of Emiliano and its availability have made me feel at home.
Then travel to Gothenburg, water city and very, very beautiful. I cycled with my bike Sandwich and I unfortunately had to leave her there. After several trips by train from Copenhagen to Malmö and then by Boras and Göthenburg to return at the time of taking the bus to Oslo I was told that I had to pack it and take it apart. I did not have the time. So I left it to Maria to the store where Houdini will be loved. Hodini will be our partner. They made a line of clothing from recycled polyester as well as merino wool garments. Cool!
The pulka arrived in Oslo thanks to the angels of the CMM and On-site group Goran, Markus Christen, Susann and before all of Pär Klattermusen.
I'm very tired and I'm already in love with Scandinavia. For the moment it is not cold, -3 C°. Little snow, even if it's snowing everywhere she goes a bit and the light starts to be a lot .
Now a week of being Snowkite to avoid to kill me .
For Haugastol, on a plateau at 4 hours by train from Oslo. Best snowkite school in Europe.
Tusen Takk
Leaving Göteborg. Gotha canal.