Oslo to Haugastøl

Haugastøl, 60°30′43″N  07°51′46″E

Very briefly a new post to keep you updated....

The days of Oslo have gone faster. The city is very nice and well organized. 
I was in the company of Sondre and Sara who helped me to get the Lavvu tent that is still in customs.
As well as many other gears of our partners.
I'm stuck before of custom. 
I am now at Haugastøl, where there is the largest high-altitude plateau in Europe.

Although the high altitude is related to the characteristic climatic and geographical, considered that the maximum quote in the area reaches barely 2000 meters. Even at 1000 meters here, over the 60th parallel North, there are the conditions that in the Alps are located above 2000 meters.
I'm here to learn how to use the two snowkites that Ozone has given me. 
Ronja Havelin is a fantastic instructor working for Fluid and she is teaching me how to use the wind with a fabric wing. This idea fascinates me as well as for many years I am fascinated by doing it at sea. Wind and water in different physical states! And move without polluting.

I arrived here by train leaving in Olso the pulka to wait for all materials. I had a funny mishap. The train left at 23:23 and arrived from Oslo to Haugastøl at 3:44. Used (and very sleepy...) trains southern europe and even though I woke up missing exactly 10 minutes on arrival I was knocked out of the train stops thinking that two neighboring stopsin a sparsely populated area were rather unlikely. Wrong! Just 15 km from Haugastol we, me and Sandro, luckily found the station of Ustaoset covered and heated and waited for the morning. The kind owner of the Haugastol 1000 we came to take.
Should I leave at Nordkapp around 18, if it comes snow. If not I leave from here.
Here is a dream and I'll tell you why in the next post. Snow is not missing, not cold and wind. 

Tussen Takk and hugs from the beautiful North.
